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19 Feb 2006 -  Remo  Dentato  
:                        /\   __ ____ __   __ 
:                        \ \ / // __ \\ \ / / 
:                         \ / // /_/ / \ / /  
:                          \ // _  _/   \ \   
:                         / // / \ \__ / / \  
:                        /_// /   \__//_/ \ \ 
:                           \/             \/  
         -=  YRX - A Regular Expression extension for C  =-
                       (C) 2006 Remo Dentato

= License

  Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this code and
its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
provided that the above copyright notice, or equivalent attribution
acknowledgement, appears in all copies and supporting documentation.
  Copyright holder makes no representations about the suitability
of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
express or implied warranty.

= Introduction

  While YRX is basically an extension to conveniently add regular
expressions to C its main use is to create lexical scanners. In that
it is much similar to  than |lex|.

  It consists of a regular expression library (|rx|) and a
preprocessor (|yrx|).

  The regular expression library is a complete rewrite of the public
domain regular expressions package release in the public domain by
. Even if I completely
rewrote it, added many features and optimizations, the basic
structure remains the same of his package.

  Note that the |rx| library can be used indepedently from the yrx
preprocessor, it has no dependency.

= General concepts

 == Input model
  YRX tries to match a text stream against a list of regular
expressions starting from a "current position" in the stream.
This is very close to the |AWK| model.

  Upon match, the matching portion is returned and the current
position is advanced past the match.

  An example should clarify things. Assume you have a
text stream:

     :   xxxxxx ABCDEFGzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
     :        | |  
     :        | `-- Current position
     :        `-- Already matched text
  Upon match with the regular expression |"ABC"| the new
situation will be:
     :    xxxxxxABC DEFGzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
     :            | |  
     :            | `-- Current position
     :            `-- Already matched text
  Streams are read one line at the time. If a line ends with a
backslash (possibly followed by blanks) the next line is read as
continuation and the backslash is replaced by a newline (\n).

= Regular expressions  <:regex>

  Regular expressions nowdays are widespread but, unfortunately,
every package has its own extensions and syntax incompatibilities.
YRX is no way different and here is the flavour of regular
expressions it handles, I hope you find it intuitive enough.
Prior knowledge of general expressions concepts is assumed.

 == Characters
  Each character matches itself except:
  [.]      matches any character
  [()]     delimit captures
  [\]      escape next character. If there's no special
           meaning associated with the escaped sequence,
           the regular character is matched.
  [[`]]    delimit character class
  [^]      Beginning of the line (only if placed at the
           beginning of pattern)
  [$]      End of line (only if placed at the end of
  [*]      Matches preceding character or character class repeated zero or
           more times.
  [+]      As above but matches one or more repetitions.
  [?]      As above but matches only zero or one repetitions.
  [{}]     Set limits for matching repetitions. For example:
           "X{1,3}" match a string of 1 to 3 'X'.
  Characters may also be specified through their code in hexadecimal form:

  ------  -----
   \x41    'A'
   \x9     \t

 ==  Character class

  The standard syntax for character class is supported.

 [[set`]]   matches one of the characters in the set.
            If the first character in the set is "^",
            it matches all characters NOT in the set, i.e. 
            complements the set. A shorthand S-E is 
            used to specify a set of characters S upto 
            E, inclusive. The special characters "]" and 
            "-" have no special meaning if they appear 
            as the first chars in the set.
  Also, a set of character classes following the current
locale settings is defined:
  [\a]   a letter according current locale
  [\u]   an uppercase letter according current locale
  [\l]   a lowercase letter according current locale
  [\d]   a decimal digit according current locale 
  [\s]   space character [\b\r\n\t\f]
  [\y]   a blank character [\t ]
  [\w]   word character [_A-Za-z0-9]
  [\h]   an hexadecimal digit according locale [0-9A-Fa-f]
  [\c]   Control characters (ASCII 1-7)  
  [\z]   the null character (ASCII 0) 

   Predefined character class may be included in a standard
character class.
        ---------     --------------------------------------
        |[a-z]|       any lowercase ASCII alpha
        |\l|          lowercase alpha according locale
        |[^]-]|       any char except ] and -
        |[^A-Z]|      any char except uppercase alpha
        |[^\u]|       as above but using locale
                      for uppercase
        |[a-zA-Z]|    any alpha (may be different from \a)

 ==  Recognizers
  To ease scanning source files, some common patterns have
been predefined

  [\Q]    Single or double quoted string. Examples:
          :   "abce"
          :   'defg'
          :   'AB\'CD'
          :   'AB''CD'
          :   "EF\"GE"
          :   "EF""GE"
  [\N]    Signed integer number. Examples:
          :  -3232
          :  +5
          :  4325
  [\F]    Floating point number. Examples:

          :  5.2
          :  7
          :  -0.32E4.2
          :  4e-7.5
  [\H]    Hexadecimal number. Examples:
          :  3E2F
          :  0x3e0a
          :  0Xf4E
  [\Y]    A possibly empty sequence of spaces and/or tabs.
          Note that it is *not* equivalent to |\s*| because
          \s will also match newlines and other blanks!
  [\W]    A sequence of alphanumeric characters (including '|_|')
          :  fun_test
          :  t0
          :  3E2F
  [\<]     Matches start of word
  [\>]     Matches end of word

  [\|]     Delimits right context |"xxx\|yyy"| matches the
           same as |"xxx"| but only if followed by |"yyy"|.
           It can be used as a form of lookahead.
           For example "ab\|c" matches 'ab' only in 'abc'
           and advance current position to c. 

 == Modifiers

  [\C]     Toggle case sensitiveness. The regular expression
           |"\Cxyz"| matches any upper/lower case combinations
           of "xyz" like "xYZ", "XyZ", etc
  [\E]     Set Escape character. *This is to be considered
           an experimental feature, use it with great care!*
           An escaped character will always match, whatever
           the regular expression.
           For example the text "a'3c" will match the regular
           expression"\E'abc" because "'3" matches everything,
           included "b"!
           Setting it to space will turn it off: "\E wxy"

 == Captures
  Within a regular expression you may want to capture the text
that matches a part of the pattern for a future used.
 For example, if you want to capture the macro name in a
|#define|, you may use a regex like:

:  ^\Y#define\Y(\W)
 There may be up to eight captures and they may be nested:
: rx '([\a]+)(\s+([^\s]*))' 'STA $FFE0'
:    (STA $FFE0) (STA) ( $FF00) ( $FF00)

 Captures may be referenced within the regex:
:  rx '([+-]?)\w+\1' 

=  YRX C Interface

 == Define streams
  In C the text stream is represented by an opaque pointer
to a {YYSTREAM} structure. Once created the pointer will be
passed as argument to each function invoked, there's no need
to actually access the YYSTREAM structure fields. Note how
this is similar to the |"FILE *"| in the C standard library.

  A new stream can be created from a file or from a character
buffer using the following functions:

{{ C
      YYSTREAM *YYFILE   (char *filename, int size);
      YYSTREAM *YYSTRING (unsigned char *string);
      void      YYCLOSE  (YYSTREAM *y); 

  If {filename} is |NULL|, the stream is connected to {stdin}.
  The {size} parameters should be set to the length of the 
longest allowable line (including continuations!). The minimum
value can be set up through the {MINBUFSIZE} constant in the
{yrxrt.c} file.
  A |YYSTREAM| should be closed when no longer needed.

 == Matching text
  To match a stream against a set of regular expressions
you will use the pseudo statement {YYSWITCH} that is a
switch-like control statement where case labels are regular
expressions rather than integral values.

  An example should clarify:

: #include "yrx.h"
: int main(int argc, char **argv)
: {
:   YYSTREAM y = YYFILE(NULL,0) /* read from stdin */
:   int count = 0;
:   while (y != NULL) {
:     YYSWITCH (y) {
:       YYEOF: YYCLOSE(y);
:              y = NULL;
:              break;
:       "^\Y#define(.*)$" : count++;
:                           break;
:     }
:   }
:   printf("#defines: %d\n",count);
: }

  The program above will read from stdin and will count
the number of lines that look like a |#define|. 

  Note the |YYEOF| special case that will match the end of
the stream. There are also |YYSOL| and |YYEOL| to match,
respectively, the start and the end of the line.

 == Actions
  Upon match you may want to perform actions on the
matching text. The following functions will give you 
access to it:

{{ C

  unsigned char *YYSTART   (YYSTREAM *y, int n);
  unsigned char *YYEND     (YYSTREAM *y, int n);
  unsigned int   YYLEN     (YYSTREAM *y, int n);
  char          *YYSTRCPY  (char *s, YYSTREAM *y, int n);
  The following functions deal with the matching text, including
captures specified in the regular expression.

 [YYSTART(y,n)] returns a pointer to the nth capture (0 is
                the entire match). Note that this is not a
                null-terminated string.
 [YYEND(y,n)]   returns a pointer to the end of the nth
                capture (0 is the entire match). 
 [YYLEN(y,n)]   the length of the nth capture (0 for the 
                entire match.
                Use |YYLEN(y,n)| to verify whether some text
                has been captured.

 [YYSTRCPY(s,y,n)]   copies the nth capture into |s|.

  These other functions could be useful in actions:

{{ C
  const char    *YYFILENAME (YYSTREAM *y);
  unsigned int   YYLINE     (YYSTREAM *y);
  unsigned char *YYCURSOR   (YYSTREAM *y);
  int            YYFWRITE   (YYSTREAM *y,int n,FILE *f);
 [YYFILENAME(y)] returns a null terminated string with the
              name of file associated to the y stream.
              If the stream has been created with {YYFILE()}
              it's the same filename specified at that time.
              If the stream is associated to stdin, returns
              the string "|(stdin)|".
              It the stream has been created with {YYSTRING()}
              returns the string "|(string)|".
 [YYLINE(y)]  returns the current line number.
 [YYCURSOR(y)] returns a pointer to the current position in
              the line buffer.
 [YYFWRITE]   outputs the nth capture to a file.
 == The line buffer
  It may be useful to have clear in mind how the line is
stored when it's read from the imput stream.

:   +---+---+---+---+-//-+---+---+---+---+---+---+
:   |SOL|   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |EOL| \0|
:   +---+---+---+---+-//-+---+---+---+---+---+---+

  The picture above shows that a special character 
(|SOL|, ASCII 0x02) is used to represent the beginning of
the line and another special character (|EOL|, ASCII 0x03)
is used for the end of the line.

  Those two special characters match, respectively, the
"|^|" and "|$|" characters in a regular expression as well
as the special |YYSWITCH| cases |YYSOL| and |YYEOL|.
  Note that if you match a '\0' in a |YYSWITCH| statement 
you have gone too far!

  When a new line is read, the stream cursor ({YYCURSOR(y)}
points to the |SOL| character, every match advances the
cursor past the matching text.              

= YRX at work

  To make yrx work you have to:
    - Include the |yrx.h| header file
    - Use the YYSWITCH statment in your source
    - Use the |yrx| tool to transform your
      source file in a plain C file
    - Link the object files with the yrx library
  Let's assume that the file |countdef.yc| contains the
program described in the section . Here
are the steps to compile it:

: $> yrx countdef.yc > countdef.c
: $> gcc -c countdef.c
: $> rm countdef.c
: $> gcc -o countdef countdef.o -lyrx
: $> countdef < countdef.yc

  If you use makefiles, you could add the following rule:

: .yc.c:
:   yrx $*.yc >$*.c

= Finite State Machines
  It is customary to formally specify lexical scanners as
Finite State Machines (FSM). The FSM graphical notation
is very well known, clear and unambigous. 

  In C a FSM is normally translated using |while| loops
and state variables. Somebody finds too hard to map FSM
implemented with this technique back to the original FSM
graph and prefer a {goto} based approach.

  I saw a disciplined way of using goto to implement
FSM in the article "Goto? Yes goto!" appeared on "Computer
Language" in 1991 and, since then, I adopted it with
many or few variations depending on the situation.

  For YRX I decided to provide two very simple macro to
hide goto usage:

{{ C
  YYSTATE(statename) {
  The following example should clarify how they are 
:  YYSTATE(wait) {
:     YYSWITCH(y) {
:       YYEOF        : YYGOTO(end_of_file);
:       "^\Y#define" : YYGOTO(got_define);
:       default      : YYGOTO(wait);
:     }
:  }
:  YYSTATE(got_define) {
:    ... handle #define elements ...
:    YYGOTO(wait);
:  }
:  YYSTATE(end_of_file) {
:    return;
:  }

  You might not be a big fan of this technique but I'm sure
you will agree that the underlying FSM is still recognizable.
  Anyway, since it's a debatable point, you are in no way forced
to use those macro, they are there (in the |yrx.h| header) just
for your convenience.

=  Under the hood

 == Regular expressions
= Examples

{{ C

    "\w+" :


= The yrx tool

  The |yrx| tool takes a single optional argument: the
name of the file to be transformed. If no argument is given
stdin is used.

  The output goes to stdout.

= The rx tool
  The rx utility can be used to check regular expressions:
:  rx regexp

  will print on stdout 

=  Other similar tools

==  Comparison with lex

==  Comparison with re2c

= To do

  * Speed check
  * Documentation
  * Test suite
  * Correct Line numbering

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